Jeffrey Cole

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In Readers' Words

"An intimate look at grief and the amazing healing that follows the death of a loved one. Jeffrey Cole's journey speaks to those suffering loss, and is a must read for all who endure the grieving process."
Shelley Kaehr, author
More feedback about Returning Home can be found on the In Readers' Words page.

What It's About

Although Returning Home provides something unique for each person who reads it based on their own experiences, the deeply personal true story it shares is essentially a story about faith, hope and love.

Returning Home helps strengthen our faith in the magnificence that awaits us all on the other side and it provides hope from the understanding that we will all be reunited with our loved ones. It is also a story about the bond of love between a father and daughter, and between a husband and wife.

To learn more about Returning Home or to read an excerpt, click on the book cover.


From the Author

One of the questions often asked of me by people who have not yet read Returning Home is whether it's a "religious" book.

The answer to that question is not as simple as it may seem and I can't sum it up with a "yes" or a "no."

The experiences that my wife, Audrey, and I had with my father-in-law in his final few weeks of life and as he made his transition were most certainly of a divine nature.

As Audrey and I traveled on this amazing journey that forever changed how we view death and the life that awaits us all after death, we didn't attach our experiences to an organized religion. But the experiences were religious in that they directly related to God.

What we witnessed was a man's transition into his next life, which was clearly under God's control, leaving Audrey and me feeling exhilarated and incredibly inspired.

I reflected on the religious nature of our experiences near the end of Returning Home, and the following is a excerpt from that section.

"What we experienced was spiritual, and it was religious at the same time. It was about love, forgiveness, kindness, faith and how we treat people.

It was about God.

It was about all of the things that religion and spirituality should always be about. It was about all of the things that our daily lives should always be about."

Thank you for visiting my Web site and for your interest in Returning Home.

Jeffrey Cole




© 2006 Jeffrey Cole