From Returning Home
The true story told in this book is about many things.
It's the story about a simple and ordinary man who became extraordinary as he offered his family a glimpse into the world that lay beyond. It's the story about a man who struggled to come to terms with his life as time was running short. It's the story of his transition. It's the story about a daughter's devotion to her father during his final days on this Earth.
Most of all, it's a story about enlightenment and insight.
As my father-in-law lay dying in a nursing home bed, he worked tirelessly day and night to resolve his life, to understand his purpose. At the same time, he worked to help his daughter and me understand the magnitude of what he was doing and where he was going. Our experiences were profound and life-changing. Our view of the world and our purpose here were forever shifted.
My hope in sharing this story is that comfort will be brought to anyone faced with saying good-bye to someone close to them. It is also my hope that comfort will be brought to those facing death. The world that lies beyond is real, and it's magnificent.
We received a rare gift of confirmation that there is a much greater existence than the physical world that we're so comfortable in and familiar with. We've come to understand that we all must find our meaning and purpose. We all must work to become enlightened and evolved.
When I embarked upon sharing this story, I believed that I had been given that glimpse into the other world because I had already spent much time in my life writing, which I believed enabled me to more easily write about our experiences. The reverse is actually true. I've come to understand that I was given the ability to write so that I could share this story. My meaning and purpose are much clearer now.
As I believe our story will reveal, profound experiences do, indeed, happen to ordinary people. We must keep our eyes open and search for the greater meaning in the events around us. We must not dismiss what we don't immediately understand.
We must have faith. |